On Dec. 5th my world was sent into utter chaos. God is in control. I was eating lunch with a youth pastor buddy of mine in Anderson and my cell phone rang. It was my sister who preceded to tell me that our dad was in a head-on collision. She said to head toward to the hospital in Greenville, so i did. Then within 2 minutes she called back and said she wasn't sure if dad was out of his van yet. God is in control. The wreck happened on the road our mom and dad live on so I headed there to see what was going on. As I drove toward the accident, I didn't know what to expect, but I honestly prayed that God would give me strength to face what I was going to find. My best friend Sammy was already there to help out any way he could. The drivers side door had to be cut away to get dad out and luckily they already had him out and headed to the ER. God is in control. The scene was terrible, it was only by the grace of God that my dad and the other driver were not killed instantly. Dad has a crushed shoulder, broken femur, crushed knee, and cracked ribs. He is still in the hospital and will be for quite a while. We just found out he now has pneumonia, but they are treating that aggressively. God is in control. Dad is going to have a long road to recovery, and probably will not have full use of his shoulder or knee. God is in control. Deep in my soul I have felt this burning and longing for one thing, to learn and believe and more importantly to live that no matter what happens, God is in control. I have spent the last 12 years of my life teaching and speaking that Truth to adults and teenagers, and have always believed it. But honestly, it has taken on a new dynamic for me. That Truth has become MINE, not just something I'm called to teach, it's had to become personal. Don't get me wrong, I've had trials and tough times before this, but this has really hit home because of the relationship between me and dad. It hasn't always been good, as a matter of fact, there was a time there wasn't much of a relationship at all. God is in control. I'm so thankful to say the last 11 years have been awesome between me and dad, and I guess that's why this has hit home. I want at least 11 more years with him. Life is so short, and temporary. That became real to me on Dec. 5th. God is in control. I desire to be a person that no matter what, how ever dark it becomes, how ever tough it gets, how ever circumstances change, I want to KNOW, BELIEVE, and LIVE that God is in control. Please continue to pray for dad, he has a tough road ahead, but you guessed it God is in control.
Also, while I'm writing I want to throw up the link to Crystal's blog, because in the midst of all the craziness, we have wonderful news to share. Go check it out!!
Still Learning,