Monday, August 11, 2008

A Special Day

I can't believe it, but today Crystal and I have been married 7 years!! You may be wondering why I can't believe it's been 7 years and it's not that I didn't think we would make it or anything, I just can't believe Crystal has been able to put up with me for 7 years!!! I can hear the "AMENS" resounding over the blogging world even as I type. It has been an incredible 7 years and I can't wait for what the future holds for our family. Speaking of family, we are still waiting to hear from DSS about our adoption, so we are basically just doing the hurry up and wait thing, which is always fun (NOT) As far as the anniversary, we basically just met up at Applebees in Easley and had a nice, quiet dinner after Crystal got off work. It was fun to just hang out and talk and spend time together. I am very blessed to be married to such a wonderful, God-loving, woman like Crystal. She is so supportive and encouraging to me! She is incredible!! I know it's mushy, but hey, it's the truth! Well, that's about it for now, hopefully I will be posting about some stuff that's going on in the world of student ministry around Marathon.

Feeling like an old married man,

1 comment:

Michael and Amanda Hodge said...

Man...big points for you!! First of all you remembered your anniversary and then you make the rest of us smucks look bad by blogging about your wife. Happy Anniversary to you and Crystal.