This is a post I have been looking forward to doing for a while, and I finally have the time to sit down and pound it out on the keyboard. A couple of months ago, myself, Eddie, Bryan and Kip went on an overnight planning meeting to seek God and a renewed vision for Marathon. Marathon has been around for almost 11 years and has effectively reached a lot of people, and we really sensed God leading us to make some vital changes. So, we locked ourselves in a conference room for about 7 hours and just prayed, brainstormed, threw ideas on a white board, prayed some more, and just diligently sought God's vision for Marathon. After many hours, God basically dropped RUN in our laps!! Let me explain: the "R" stands for REFLECT, which represents worship, the "U" stands for UNITE, which represents service, and the "N" stands for NAVIGATE, and represents small groups. So basically God showed us that in order to grow and become more like Him, these are the things we need to move toward, Worship, Service, and Connection. As a Church, we believe this should be our focus, to help folks move through this process and become DISCIPLES, not just Christians. There is a huge difference! Salvation is instantaneous, but discipleship is an on going process and Marathon is committed to help people move through the process. Notice I said "help", that's because we have to make a decision to grow outside the walls on Sunday mornings or Wednesday nights or whatever times the church building is open. If you are a Christian and all you count on for growth is your Church services, then something is wrong. Obviously, that time is important, but it shouldn't be all you put into your walk. I am pumped about this renewed vision and direction and I have already seen how our people are taking notice. You can watch the first 2 weeks of the RUN services here: www.marathonchurch.org
This weeks message should be up by Wednesday, so be on the lookout for that as well. We have a new logo, website and all that to go along with the change, but by no means is this just marketing, it is the foundation and vision of Marathon. Just remember, we are all in a race, and we are called to RUN!!!! This was a very quick explanation, but I'm sure I'll revisit it from time to time. Until next time, Keep Running!!!!
RUNning the Race,
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