WOW!! Sunday was a blast!! I really enjoy getting to speak on Sunday mornings even though doing 3 services in a row wears me out, it's still fun. This year for graduation recognition I spoke from Matthew 9:35-38, but I won't bore you with the points right now. Not only do I get to speak, but our student band gets to lead worship. I've gotta say that rocked it out!! I was so impressed by how they did. They put a lot of hard work into preparing and it showed Sunday!! During the 11:30 service we recognized our graduates (or least those that signed up) and gave them props for their accomplishments. That is always a bittersweet day for me as there Student Pastor. I know they are excited and relieved, which is understandable. But for me it's tough because I have been their Student Pastor for a few years, and as each year goes by the kids I have known the longest graduate and move on to different things. Please don't get me wrong, I am very proud of each of them, and I feel that it is my calling to prepare them the best way possible for what lies ahead. It is my prayer that they leave our student ministry not just challenged, but CHANGED!!!
On another note, be sure to check out for updates on The Garage, our student facility! I should be putting a new post up at some point today. Well, I'm off to continue getting ready for AMP'd tomorrow! We will be asking the question "How do you know when God is speaking to you?" Should be a good night!!
Much Love,
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