Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How do you say no?

How do you say no to high school students who want to get up and be at church at 6:30 am on a Wednesday morning to eat breakfast and pray together? That is the question that went through my mind at 5:00 am as the alarm went off. We started this prayer breakfast about 2 years ago with a group of students that went on our first mission trip. It has changed a little over the 2 years, some students have gone to college, others work, and some just don't show up. But this is the kicker, the group has gotten smaller, but much more committed!! A couple of months ago I dropped the gathering down to once a month, much to the dismay of the students. I gotta be honest, I'm not much of a morning person, but more than that, I felt like God was saying it needed to get refocused and back on track. This morning was an awesome time of prayer with the students and I feel they genuinely want to show up to take the time and pray for each other, their friends and their family. Having been in student ministry for 12 years now, I have learned that there are things from time to time you have to say "NO" to, but at this point, I don't think a prayer breakfast with committed high school students is one of those things. Who knows, I might even add another Wednesday each month for us to meet!

RUNning the Race,