Sunday, March 2, 2008

An Awesome Day!!

I gotta say that Friday was definitely in the top ten best days of my adult life!! It started really early, about 5:15 am to be exact! We (me, sammy, melissa and isaac) headed to Charlotte for the Richard Petty Driving Experience at Lowes motor speedway, and it was incredible!! I was a little (ok a lot) nervous, but once we took off out of the pits and hit the first turn, the nervousness was replaced with excitement. I've never been 170 mph, much less around a 1.5 mile oval. The 3 laps around the track only took about a minute and half, but it was the most intense minute and a half I have ever experienced. After we finished there we went to Hendrick MotorSports and isaac hooked me up with a behind the scenes tour of the place, and it was sweet! We got to see all kinds of awesome stuff, like Dale Jr's new #88 car that he won a race in last month, Mr Hendrick's personal pet bird named George, trophies, and other cool stuff!! Thanks isaac, you tha man!!! After that, we made a few more rounds to other race shops and collected some more cool stuff along the way. It was a great day, and i have to say a special thanks to the Clary's for giving me an awesome birthday present!!! The dvd of my ride should arrive in a few weeks, so maybe i can figure out how to post a segment on here for your enjoyment.

RUNning the Race,

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