Friday, February 22, 2008

AMP'd Rewind and Stuff

Well, it's a little late, but better than nothing. AMP'd went well Wednesday night, we had record attendance which is always cool. I shouldn't be surprised by this because anytime you talk about Love, Dating and SEX, students tend to show up to see what's goin down. Wednesday night we looked at both good reasons to date and wrong reasons to date. We went something like this:

Good reasons:
To grow spiritually-Heb. 3:13, 10:24
To develop socially-Prov. 27:17
To have fun- 1 Tim. 6:17 (this verse may seem strange, but when God is the focus and things are done in the context of HIS plan, it's all good)

Wrong reasons:
For physical involvement-Eph. 5:3
For emotional security-Philip. 4:7
Because everybody does it-This is just simply not true!

Obviously, if you are dating someone just for the above reasons, that can be a very dangerous road to travel. God has a plan and has set up boundaries within the context of dating and if students will stick to that, there would be a lot less heartache and pain!!!

The band did great with the exception of one song, where apparently they all had a brain fart and forgot how to play!!! I think it was a great learning experience and hey, things happen.

Here is the setlist:

First date-Blink 182
We shine-Fee
O for a thousand tongues-Passion/Crowder

We played a version of the dating game which was pretty cool, the winning couple, Brittany and Cade won a $25.00 gift card to Applebees, so that should be a nice little date one night. The next 2 weeks of the Undressed series is going to be all about sex and God's plan. It should be pretty interesting to say the least.

Well, that's about it for now, I'm off to the gym (I've lost about 14 lbs so far, so I'm pumped!!) Tonight we have a ball game so hopefully we can keep the 1 game win streak alive! I'll be studying tomorrow, since I'm speaking all 3 services at Marathon ( this Sunday, so I'm looking forward to that. Have a great weekend and keep it real!!!

RUNning the Race,

1 comment:

----------- said...

I meant to tell you this morning, but didn't get to talk to you... 14 pounds!!! Man, that's awesome!