Goin on right now for the Bholda!! Of course the student building is still coming along, so I'm answering questions about where this and that goes and air handling units, and lights, chairs, paint and the list goes on and on. We are looking at a projected completion date of August-September, which would be perfect timing with school kicking back off. This weekend we are having our D-Now weekend called "Awakening '08" and I'm pumped about that. It should be a great weekend and I can't wait to see what God has in store. Crystal and I are meeting with our assigned social worker from DSS about the adoption. That's right, ADOPTION!!! We feel like God is calling us to adopt a little boy. We have been in the process for a couple of months now, and each day we get closer to getting our little buddy!!! We still want to have "our own" children eventually, but feel very strongly that God is calling us to this step in our lives right now. Please pray that everything will go quickly and smoothly. I can't wait to have a pal to take fishing, play golf and to ride go-karts with (just don't tell Crystal!)
This Wednesday we are starting our new series called "Invasion" and I think it is going to be a big success! I will definitely keep you posted on how it goes. Well, that's about it for now, I'm off to the gym to DO WORK SON!!
RUNning the Race,
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The highlight of my week
I've had a very busy week this week getting ready for D-Now next weekend, dealing with the student building, planning our next series "Invasion", plus just handling phone calls and e-mails. But fortunately, there was one highlight that stuck out in my mind the most, i got to hang out with some students for awhile on Tuesday. We ate lunch at Zaxby's (i had a grilled chicken salad and diet coke) then headed back to the church for a good 'ol planning session. I have determined that students are the best resource for finding out what students need to hear about. DUH!!! I don't know how many youth pastors try to incorporate their students in their message prep, but i think it's a great idea and after Tuesday, i'm completely sold on the idea. Yeah, it's difficult at times due to short attention spans, but i think it's worth it. I am passionate about us having a student-led ministry and i believe this is just another step to build on that vision. They did great Tuesday and we have the whole series planned out. That includes videos, songs, message topics (they leave the teaching to me, at least for now!). I am excited about the future of the meetings and i think it is going to be one of the best things we can do for our ministry. I will keep you posted on the development of this student team.
In other news, i have reached my first weight goal of 200 lbs and it feels great. I'm still plugging along at the gym and trying to eat right, so the next goal is 180! I saw my "trainer" today and she wants to do a follow up assessment which should be positive. I will let you know the results when i find out. Well, it's off to watch some Sweet 16 action.
RUNning the Race,
In other news, i have reached my first weight goal of 200 lbs and it feels great. I'm still plugging along at the gym and trying to eat right, so the next goal is 180! I saw my "trainer" today and she wants to do a follow up assessment which should be positive. I will let you know the results when i find out. Well, it's off to watch some Sweet 16 action.
RUNning the Race,
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Sheetrock is goin up!!!!

WOW!!! Progress is evident and I love it!!! Our student building, "The Garage" is finally looking more and more like a building and less and less like a big concrete pad!! These are a couple of pictures I took with my camera phone, because it was all I had. The projected open date is Sept-Oct which would be perfect timing since school will just be kicking back in. God's timing is ALWAYS perfect!! I have a picture on my wall of us putting a shovel in the ground in 2005!! That was a long time ago, but I can look back and see how God orchestrated(watch out, big word!!) the whole thing. Interest rates are at a low and just the difference between the rate we had and the rate we locked in we can just about make the payment!!! God is AWESOME!!! Well, I hope to have more pictures coming soon. These pictures show sheetrock on the walls around where the stage will be. I'm so pumped about the future God has for the families and students that are going to be reached in "The Garage"!!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
What a weekend
This weekend was awesome!! We did 4 services at Marathon and they were all great. It was very moving and really helped me focus on what Christ did for us. Pastor Eddie quoted Tony Campolo during his message, and it went like this: "It's Friday, but Sunday is coming" I think so many people are right there in their life. They are at wits end, frustrated, discouraged, depressed, hurting, scared, confused and lost. But there is great news, Sunday is coming, meaning what Christ did has given us HOPE, which is more powerful than all that other stuff. I have to admit, there have been times recently where I was wondering if "Sunday" was coming, but this weekend I believe it came for me. God spoke to me this weekend and just reminded me that He is in control, and nothing catches Him off guard or surprises Him. It was a great weekend and I hope you all had a great weekend as well. I will be updating later this week.
RUNning the Race,
RUNning the Race,
Thursday, March 20, 2008
AMP'd Rewind and the Lord's Supper
Last night at AMP'd was a very unique night. We observed the Lord's Supper and took some time to remember the sacrifice Christ made for us. I say it was unique because AMP'd is typically a service where our Christian students invite their "un-churched" friends and it is geared more with that in mind. Last night however, was much more focused on what Easter and the week of Easter means to Christians, as Jesus prepared to endure the cross for us. It was very moving and awesome to see so many students abandon themselves, their problems, distractions, and selfishness to get focused on Christ. Here are some comments students sent me about last night:
"I really really like AMP'd and the Lord's Supper. I think it helped me feel like more connected and closer to God. And it helped me realize that i'm not as close to God as i should be, but it's helping me strive towards being closer to God."
Bryan, i thought that AMP'd was AMAZING and so moving for everyone! Lots of people were saved and were able to let things go and feel good and clean! It was the best! Thanks! :)
I thought it was beautiful, man. More Wednesdays should be like last night! You could feel God in the room, touching out hearts. Usually, the Lord's Supper doesn't mean anything to me; you just drink some grape juice, eat a cracker, put on a serious face, and then go back to normal. But last night was anything BUT normal. I really didn't even want to leave...
It was a powerful night, and I believe Jesus was lifted up and exalted last night. I believe our students were more than challenged, they were CHANGED!!! I encourage you to take time to remember what Easter is all about this year and really focus on who Christ is and what He has done for us.
Set list:
Lead me to the cross-Hillsong
Where the love last forever-Hillsong
You Reign-United
To know your name-United
Jesus paid it all-Kristian Stanfill
There is nothing like-Hillsong
We Shine-Fee
I hope to have some pictures up soon of the service. Have a great Easter and take time to REMEMBER!!!
RUNning the Race,
"I really really like AMP'd and the Lord's Supper. I think it helped me feel like more connected and closer to God. And it helped me realize that i'm not as close to God as i should be, but it's helping me strive towards being closer to God."
Bryan, i thought that AMP'd was AMAZING and so moving for everyone! Lots of people were saved and were able to let things go and feel good and clean! It was the best! Thanks! :)
I thought it was beautiful, man. More Wednesdays should be like last night! You could feel God in the room, touching out hearts. Usually, the Lord's Supper doesn't mean anything to me; you just drink some grape juice, eat a cracker, put on a serious face, and then go back to normal. But last night was anything BUT normal. I really didn't even want to leave...
It was a powerful night, and I believe Jesus was lifted up and exalted last night. I believe our students were more than challenged, they were CHANGED!!! I encourage you to take time to remember what Easter is all about this year and really focus on who Christ is and what He has done for us.
Set list:
Lead me to the cross-Hillsong
Where the love last forever-Hillsong
You Reign-United
To know your name-United
Jesus paid it all-Kristian Stanfill
There is nothing like-Hillsong
We Shine-Fee
I hope to have some pictures up soon of the service. Have a great Easter and take time to REMEMBER!!!
RUNning the Race,
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A close call
Well, I was on the way back to church from Wren High and made a quick stop by Carolina Rod Shop to talk to my good buddy Rick about a project we are working on for the new building. The rod shop is only a couple of miles from the church, so I got finished meeting with Rick and jumped in the truck to head back to work. I wasn't even thinking and never put my seatbelt on. With that being said, I know that's not smart or safe. I came around a curve and there were 3 highway patrol officers doing a traffic stop. Needless to say, I couldn't get my belt on before they saw me. I pulled up and the officer asked for my drivers license. I obliged obviously, because I didn't want a beat down. He took down some info and asked why I didn't have my seatbelt on to which I responded "umm...I just didn't put it on this time" He then proceeded to do something unusual, he yelled out to the other officers "anyone want a seatbelt?" The other officers responded quickly by saying "NO". Which to my surprise and happiness, he said the same. I drove away with a warning! My birthday was last week and he asked me if I got a lot of money for my birthday, and I said "No sir, not much" to which he kindly answered back, well good thing I'm just giving you a warning. Thank you Lord, for protecting my life and my wallet!! I have learned my lesson for sure. CLICK IT OR TICKET!!! Unless the officer doesn't wanna write it up!!
Wearin' my seatbelt always,
The salty spear of death

So me and Taylor (student ministry intern) are headed over to Wren High School for lunch today with our students. It is really an awesome time to connect and hang out with our students and they seem to enjoy the company. I try to do this every so often, and I would like to share a story that happened at a lunch a couple of years ago. And yes, I have been back since this episode happened. So, here ya go, enjoy.
Ok, here's what went down. I went to all 3 lunches at Wren high today and had quiet an experience. The first 2 lunch periods went great, with no drama or anything like that. However, the last lunch period is freshman lunch, ALL freshman lunch. So i'm just sitting there chillin sipping on some good 'ol Wren high sweet tea and all of sudden, out of nowhere comes a flying french fry! Not just any flying french fry, but a sharp, pointy, salty spear of death !! This special flying french fry proceeds to hit me right in the eye, more specifically, right in the middle of my eye!! Now, imagine if you will a bunch of freshmen who see a 30 year old youth pastor get hit in the eye with a sharp, pointy, salty spear of death!! The crowd went wild with laughter, needless to say. Now, I tried my best to play it off, but honestly, it hurt, BAD! After I regained my composure and crawled out from underneath the table, I challenged the big bully to meet me outside on the band field and we would settle this once and for all. But, luckily the bell rang and the afore mentioned bully had to go to class. Now, as if that wasn't eventful enough, I return back to my table to finish my sweet tea and upon taking a swig of the tea, I quickly realized that someone had poured 7-Up remix in my tea!! Gee thanks!!!
So all this reminded me why I never really enjoyed high school in the first place. I'm 30 years old and still get picked on by freshman in high school!! What a miserable existence!!
Hopefully today will not hold the same fortune for me. I can't wait to have one of those square/rectangular type pizzas! Those were always my favorite!! YUMMY!!!
RUNning my Race,
Thursday, March 13, 2008
AMP'd Rewind
Last night was another great time night at AMP'd. We have some serious momentum going and it is exciting. We have had 2 staight weeks of record attendance, and lots of first time visitors. It is so exciting to see what God is doing. The youth building is cruisin' along and they have almost got all the metal studs up, so now you can see all the rooms, offices, game room, and worship center clearly. Hopefully the sheetrock walls will be going up in a couple of weeks. Hopefully i will have pictures up soon. Well, back to last night. Here is the band's set list:
What the world will never take-Hillsong United
Made to love-Toby Mac
On Fire-Switchfoot
You Deserve-Hillsong United(In a valley by the sea EP)
The guys did an awesome job,and we are looking forward to adding a couple of female singers in the next couple of weeks which should be really sweet sounding. We are going to be observing the Lord's Supper next week and i am expecting that to be a very powerful service. I will update the outcome next week in the AMP'd rewind.
Well, i guess that's about it for tonight, i'm going to just chill for awhile, it's been a busy week and i'm looking forward to the day off tomorrow!!
Running the Race,
What the world will never take-Hillsong United
Made to love-Toby Mac
On Fire-Switchfoot
You Deserve-Hillsong United(In a valley by the sea EP)
The guys did an awesome job,and we are looking forward to adding a couple of female singers in the next couple of weeks which should be really sweet sounding. We are going to be observing the Lord's Supper next week and i am expecting that to be a very powerful service. I will update the outcome next week in the AMP'd rewind.
Well, i guess that's about it for tonight, i'm going to just chill for awhile, it's been a busy week and i'm looking forward to the day off tomorrow!!
Running the Race,
Monday, March 10, 2008
The Big "3-2"
Today was my 32nd birthday and it was a good one. I did go to work, even though as a staff member of Marathon, we have the option of taking our birthday off, which is a nice thing but i had to much to do today. Pastor Eddie took me to Copper River for lunch which was very good i must say. I had several meetings about various things, including a meeting with the sound, light and video people for the youth building. Just an update, the youth building is moving along quickly and is almost all framed in with metal studs. The company did all that just since Wednesday, so they are working like mad on getting it ready to sheet rock. I am extremely pumped and excited about the progress. I will hopefully be posting some pictures of the work on here soon. I came home and the wife and i ordered a couple of stromboli's and are sitting here watching tv together. It's been a good day and i'm enjoying the opportunity to just sit and chill basically. I guess that's about it for now, it's back to Jon and Kate plus 8 on TLC!! Don't judge me, it's my birthday!!
1 year older and 1 year better lookin',
1 year older and 1 year better lookin',
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
How do you say no?
How do you say no to high school students who want to get up and be at church at 6:30 am on a Wednesday morning to eat breakfast and pray together? That is the question that went through my mind at 5:00 am as the alarm went off. We started this prayer breakfast about 2 years ago with a group of students that went on our first mission trip. It has changed a little over the 2 years, some students have gone to college, others work, and some just don't show up. But this is the kicker, the group has gotten smaller, but much more committed!! A couple of months ago I dropped the gathering down to once a month, much to the dismay of the students. I gotta be honest, I'm not much of a morning person, but more than that, I felt like God was saying it needed to get refocused and back on track. This morning was an awesome time of prayer with the students and I feel they genuinely want to show up to take the time and pray for each other, their friends and their family. Having been in student ministry for 12 years now, I have learned that there are things from time to time you have to say "NO" to, but at this point, I don't think a prayer breakfast with committed high school students is one of those things. Who knows, I might even add another Wednesday each month for us to meet!
RUNning the Race,
RUNning the Race,
Sunday, March 2, 2008
An Awesome Day!!
I gotta say that Friday was definitely in the top ten best days of my adult life!! It started really early, about 5:15 am to be exact! We (me, sammy, melissa and isaac) headed to Charlotte for the Richard Petty Driving Experience at Lowes motor speedway, and it was incredible!! I was a little (ok a lot) nervous, but once we took off out of the pits and hit the first turn, the nervousness was replaced with excitement. I've never been 170 mph, much less around a 1.5 mile oval. The 3 laps around the track only took about a minute and half, but it was the most intense minute and a half I have ever experienced. After we finished there we went to Hendrick MotorSports and isaac hooked me up with a behind the scenes tour of the place, and it was sweet! We got to see all kinds of awesome stuff, like Dale Jr's new #88 car that he won a race in last month, Mr Hendrick's personal pet bird named George, trophies, and other cool stuff!! Thanks isaac, you tha man!!! After that, we made a few more rounds to other race shops and collected some more cool stuff along the way. It was a great day, and i have to say a special thanks to the Clary's for giving me an awesome birthday present!!! The dvd of my ride should arrive in a few weeks, so maybe i can figure out how to post a segment on here for your enjoyment.
RUNning the Race,
RUNning the Race,
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