Well, it's been awhile, as usual! I wanted to take a minute and update what has gone on the last few days in the life and times of Bryan Holder. On Friday night, we took Project 109 to the Wren/Palmetto game at Wren and gave out free Sno-Kones and promotional footballs. It was a huge success and we got to talk to a lot of students and tell them about Marathon and what we have going on in the student ministry. On Saturday afternoon it was go-kart racin' time over at the backyard track at Sammy's house. There were about 5 of us competing for a spot in the winners circle. I brought Seth Lucas with me who was our site missionary in Memphis this summer and got him in on the action. I have to say he probably got into the action a little more than he wanted. He had a terrifying crash coming out of turn 3, like seriously, I thought he was dead. His front wheel came off and he did a violent roll, so violent that he ripped, yes ripped the steering wheel off the kart!!! Needless to say, that kart is now used for parts and that is about it. Seth came away with a few bruises and a puncture wound in his leg. And in more exciting news, I finally won a race!!! After a dry spell of about 30 races I finally got a taste of victory lane, and I must say it was SWEET!!!
Yesterday I had to go to the allergy doctor and find out what types of bees I am allergic to. Much to my chagrin(i like that word) I found out I am pretty much allergic to every kind there is. Honey bees, wasps, yellow jackets, white-face hornets, yellow-face hornets, and the list goes on. As a result of that, I have a 60% chance the next time I am stung by any of the above species of having a serious reaction, including DEATH!! Yeah, I would say that is a pretty bad reaction!! So I have to carry this EPIPEN around with me and if I get stung I have to jab it violently into my leg and get to the hospital. Sounds fun huh? Well, that's about it for now, I'll try to update again soon.
Keepin' it Real,
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