If you are from around here you know i must be talking about the Anderson Jockey Lot!! If you're not from here, drop everything and take a weekend and come check it out!!! It is open on Saturday and Sunday and it is truly amazing. The diversity of people that are there is unmatched anywhere on the planet. There are so many races and ethnic groups all coexisting in one area, without hatred or million man marches, or those white outfits with hoods. What can bring all this harmony and utter bliss? One thing and one thing only:JUNK!!!!!!!!!! That's right, everyone there is there to look and buy other people's junk. It is mind boggling the amount of pure, unadulterated, junk there is at the Anderson Jockey Lot. But the Jockey Lot has much more to offer than the best junk around. It offers those of us that like to watch people a plethora of fine specimens to gaze upon. If you are ever feeling really bad about yourself or your life, just carve a couple of hours out of your schedule and visit the Jockey Lot. You will quickly be reminded that there are people much worse off than you and i! I promise!! It's just hard to find such places like "Chicken and Bun", "Barbara's trash and treasure", "Gene's used oil pans", and "Slick Rick's cell phone accessory barn". The Jockey Lot would have to be a dentists' worst nightmare. The average amount of teeth at the Jockey Lot on any given weekend would probably be about 11 teeth per person. So, i guess the sad part about this post is that for a couple of hours this past Saturday, i would have been counted in those stats, but hey, the boiled peanuts there are worth it!!!!!
K.I.R(Keepin' It Real),
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