God still amazes me how He shows up at AMP'd, which is our Wednesday night service for students here at Marathon. We have been in our series called the "Best Sex Ever" and it has been awesome and lives have been changed. I have included the set list and message points from the service below.
What the world-Hillsong United
No one like you-David Crowder Band
Where the love last forever-Hillsong United
Amateur Lovers-Switchfoot
I have been reminding the students that God created sex (yea God!!) and He is all for it, but He has put a major guideline on it. It is designed to be enjoyed in the context of 1 man and 1 woman in the context of marriage. So, i gave them 3 things they need to do to help them follow God's plan for their sex lives:
1. Ask the right questions. So many teenagers are asking the wrong questions when it comes to sex. The main question they ask is "how far is to far?" This is not the right question,
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 says we are to flee from ALL sexual sin and stay pure and holy. The right question they should ask is "how can i be self-controlled?"
2. Set some boundaries. We have boundaries in just about everything we do, from driving a car to playing sports. Boundaries are all around us, but for some reason, teenagers are quick to avoid boundaries when it comes to their sexual decisions. I gave them 3 very practical boundaries they could set:
- Keep the lights on!!
- Keep your clothes on!!
- Stay upright!!
My prayer is that students realize that God wants them to have the best sex ever, which WILL happen if they follow His plan, and only His plan. Please pray for all teenagers, they are in such a battle and satan wants to destroy and ruin their lives. Someone has got to step up and show them the Truth. I am committed to be that someone!!! Are you?
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