Monday, February 5, 2007

The past few days.....

Have been good ones. We had an awesome service on Wednesday night with our students. We talked about how much of an impact our words can have on people. I used an illustration where I got to wave my deer hunting rifle around and of course all the kids freaked out and thought I was gonna shoot the place the up!! I assure you there were no casualty's, and so far, no calls from parents, which to me is better than no casualty's!!! (Just kidding!!) Then on Thursday we had a "snow day", so and I didn't go into the office. The wife and I just hung out together at the house, which was really nice I must say. Later that afternoon my buddy Isaac got to come home from Cincinnati after being up there for the past 15 months. I was a little late seeing him actually ride down his road with the fire truck and blue light escort, but if you check out you can just click on the link on the right side of my blog that talks about the lavender jeep) there are pictures posted there. The Clary's have really been a blessing to me and Crystal for sure. God has blessed us with a friendship that really came out of nowhere. It's cool how God always brings the right people into your life at the exact right time. So, after helping the Clary's unload their vehicles from the trip down, we got to hang out a little while and check out their new house, and Isaac's awesome train room. It was good times. On Friday night I played basketball with our men's team from Marathon, and we finally won!!! That's right, we are on a winning just happens to be a 1 game winning streak!! We now carry a 1 win, 6 losses record, but hey it's a win. Saturday was packed with more basketball, but I didn't play, I "coached". I say "coached" because I have played b-ball most of my life, but have never really coached. I have learned that just because you have played a sport a long time, doesn't mean you can coach that same game. I basically just sub kids in and out and call the occasional time-out. But anyway, we lost both games, which is never much fun. And finally, we arrive at yesterday. We played our 3rd annual Chili bowl at 2:00 which is a co-ed 6 on 6 flag football tournament. It was a success, other than I am still trying to thaw out from blistering 25 mph winds we had to deal with. No students were injured and there were no midfield brawls, which for sure was a blessing.
Sorry if this post was random and scattered, but I haven't posted in a few days so I wanted to do something to get back into the swing of things!!

Keepin' it real,

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