I was out running errands with Kip, our associate pastor today and i asked him if he would run me by a Christian bookstore so i could pick up the new tobyMac cd because it came out today and was on sale for $5.97!!! I must say it rocks, but is only on sale for that ridiculous price today. Anyway, i had a parent call me while i was in the store telling me about their daughter who is sick. So as any good, caring, concerned youth pastor would do i was LISTENING. I proceeded to the counter to finish the sweet deal on the cd. Well, i swear i only heard the lady ask for my phone number 1 time, but apparently according to Kip, she had ask 3 times. Because i was on the cell phone at the counter she gave me this go to.............well, you know the look! I wasn't just chattin with an old school buddy, i was on the phone with a parent for cryin out loud. Anyway, i learned that just because you work in a "Christian" bookstore doesn't mean you always act like a Christian, so i tried to act right and just get out of there with my awesome deal on the CD!!!
Keepin' it real,
1 comment:
yeah I had an adventure when I went to pick up the CD as well. Except it was the opposite. The dude that checked me out was overly "Christian" saying things like "have a blessed day!" it was great, reminded me of my north greenville days!
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