*The long bus ride to Memphis (sounds crazy I know, but there are always stories to tell from the bus ride, should be interesting)
*Being the hands and feet of Jesus to the people of inner-city Memphis
*Seeing our students become the hands and feet of Jesus
*Hanging out with our students for a week (it's not often I have a chance to spend a week with a small group of our students)
*Seeing the progress Brinkley Heights has made on their new school
*Watching our students be awakened to the needs of others
*Listening to our students share how God has changed them each night during the week
*Watching the faces of the children we will work with light up everyday because someone cares
*Growing closer as a group
*Trips down Beale street
*Eating some great grub here.
I hope to post this week when possible with updates and pictures. Please pray for our safety and our effectiveness while in Memphis. It is my prayer that we make a HUGE impact this week through serving and sharing the Gospel. Here are the names of our team members, please take some time and pray for us this week:
RUNning the Race,
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Write It Down!!!

So the other night Crystal and I had our date night, which is something we try to do weekly, though not always successful, we try. Anyway, we went to TGI Fridays (mainly for the vanilla bean cheesecake) and the waiter came up to take our order. I noticed he didn't have the little waiter order pad, which concerned me a little. He took our orders and shortly afterwards the food came out...the WRONG food!!! Crystal's was right, but mine wasn't, which upset me a little, ok a lot!!! You know, it really can't be that difficult to carry that little pad thingy around and jot down the orders. You see, when it comes to food, its serious business for me-don't mess with my food!!! It's not really that serious, but come on, just write it down!!! There is no way really I can tie this in spiritually, so I won't try.
On a more important note, we leave this Sunday at 6 am for our mission trip to Memphis, TN. I am really looking forward to seeing what God does not only in the area we are ministering in, but also in the lives of the students that are going. It is going to be life-changing I have no doubt!! I will try to update from time to time while there if I can.
RUNning the Race,
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hands and Feet
Today was awesome!! I had the priviledge of working with some of our students that are going to Memphis in a couple of weeks. We helped out one of our team members grandparents who needed some yard work done around the house. I am so proud of the students because they worked so hard and never complained about it. It is days like these that God uses to remind me why I do what I do. I hope to have couple of pictures up soon of the crew that helped today. Speaking of our crew, please pray for our team as we head up to Memphis on July 27th to reach out to the inner city kids there. It is so encouraging to see students, who let's be honest, like all of us are naturally selfish, set their agendas and plans aside to serve those who need it most. Thank you God for students who love you and strive to be Your hands and feet. While I'm on the subject of students, check this blog out, she's pretty incredible too!!
RUNning My Race,
RUNning My Race,
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
WHOA!!! Close Call

So last night I decided to go for a little run in the neighborhood next to our house, and I got quite a shock. If you can't tell that is a snake crossing the road!! I'm not positive, but I think it is a copperhead, which are highly poisonous!! I was almost home and had slowed down to a steady walk, when I noticed a car coming up behind me. As the car approached, its lights just happen to shine on the snake which was about 6 feet in front of me!! If the car wouldn't have come down the road, I really think I would have stepped right on the bloomin' thing!!! Which probably would have made for a cooler story, except for the fact I may be dead today. Needless to say, I stepped around the 3 foot snake and carefully snapped a picture of it with my camera phone. I don't think the EPIpen would have helped in this case (which i had on me, by the way). I typically try not to over-spiritualize things, but I think I learned something through this little episode. We all know that satan is our enemy (1 Peter 5:8) and in Genesis disguised himself as a snake to deceive Eve. We also know that God is light (1 John 1:5) and in Him is no darkness. God just reminded me through this encounter that I need Him to protect me from the enemy who is waiting to harm and destroy me. The light from the car exposed the danger that was lurking, just like God, who is light, exposes sin or stuff that is dangerous in our lives. We just have to be alert and focused on what He is doing in our lives.
As for my late night running, probably gonna start a little sooner from here on out!!! I have been warned by this guy (sammyclary.com)that if I don't post more often, I'm gonna be exiled from his link list, which is never a step in the right direction in the blogging world. So, hopefully I can be more disciplined and post more often, or at least try!!
RUNning the Race,
Monday, July 7, 2008
So, that's what's up?
It's been a crazy few days to say the least! Let me break the last few days down for you if I can. It all started on Thursday afternoon when my dad, brother-in-law and I began laying hardwood floors in our soon to be nursery. I surely couldn't have done it myself because I'm not much of the handy-man, so I appreciated the help more than you can imagine. That being said, it was still hard work, and by the time we finished on Friday afternoon, my back was killing me!! Then on top of that, I started feeling really crummy, kinda like I was getting the flu!! Great!!! I was coughing, fighting a headache, aching all over, and really tired. So rest on Friday night was nice, but I knew I had to get up on Saturday and go by the church to do some stuff to get ready for Sunday. My good buddy Sammy was gonna meet me up there and on my way to the church, he called and said someone had broken into my wife's Honda by smashing in the passenger side window!! So, that's what's up? I thought to myself "man, this is just great, one more thing to deal with". Upon further investigation of the area, someone also broke into a Ford pickup that was donated to the church. I thought the worst and quickly checked out the youth building and the main building to see if someone had broken into either one. Luckily, things seemed ok. On Sunday morning, I was still feeling crummy, but managed to make it through the morning ok. Well, this morning I got a call from the superintendent telling me someone had broken into the youth building and vandalized stuff pretty bad. I got there and saw the damage first hand. Someone had taken the electric lifts and ran into several walls, busting the sheetrock, tore up ceiling grids, and busted several door caseings. I couldn't believe it, I was obviously very discouraged. The detectives investigated the scene and took fingerprints, so hopefully we will find out who did this soon. So, that's what's up? This evening I received a phone call from my sister telling me our dad has been admitted to the hospital with severe chest pains!! The latest update is that he has pneumonia and an infection in the lining of his lungs, which is very painful. So, that's what's up!?
Well with all this going on, I have had to ask God that very question...So, that's what's up? This is how it's going to be? This is the hand I've been dealt? And, I have felt Him speak to my heart and say....YES, it is FOR NOW. It has been very frustrating and discouraging, and I know that it may not be over yet. God has laid a couple of verses on my heart to encourage me through this time.
James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Romans 5:3-5 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
If you are reading this and are asking God, "So, that's what's up?" please hang on and let the verses above speak to you and know that God is in control and has a plan! It's not easy, but God wants us to become like His Son, and it may take some tough stuff to get us there.
Still running the race,
Well with all this going on, I have had to ask God that very question...So, that's what's up? This is how it's going to be? This is the hand I've been dealt? And, I have felt Him speak to my heart and say....YES, it is FOR NOW. It has been very frustrating and discouraging, and I know that it may not be over yet. God has laid a couple of verses on my heart to encourage me through this time.
James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Romans 5:3-5 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
If you are reading this and are asking God, "So, that's what's up?" please hang on and let the verses above speak to you and know that God is in control and has a plan! It's not easy, but God wants us to become like His Son, and it may take some tough stuff to get us there.
Still running the race,
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
What God is doing...
I just got back last Friday from 2 weeks of youth camp and needless to say I was exhausted!! So I decided to take this week off and just chill around the house and recuperate. It has been nice for sure just to be able to sleep in a little and basically lay around and veg! While doing that, God laid it on my heart that I need to also recuperate spiritually this week. I have purposed to do this by really focusing on His Word and prayer. I started reading Ezekiel last night, because honestly, I never have read it all the way through. I was able to get through the first 4 chapters before calling it a night.
This is one of the parts that really jumped out at me:
And he said to me, "Son of man, eat what is before you, eat this scroll; then go and speak to the house of Israel." So I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll to eat. Then he said to me, "Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it." So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth. He then said to me: "Son of man, go now to the house of Israel and speak my words to them. Ezekiel 3:1-4 (NIV)
This really confirmed to me that in order to recharge and be prepared for what God has called me to do, I have to eat His Word. Ezekiel was headed to speak to the people of Israel, and what he was going to say had to come from God, because the people were "hardened and obstinate" (vs 7) If I try to go and reach people within my own strength, I WILL FAIL!! I have to eat, digest, and benefit from the sweet Truth of God's Word. It's kinda like what happens when we eat foods that are good for us... we eat that food, digest it, and then benefit from the nutrients it provides us. I really want to take this week and focus on God's Word and benefit from the life change it will bring. Check out Ezekiel sometime and let me know how it has spoken to you.
I hope you have a great 4th of July weekend, and remember to take some time to thank God for allowing us to live in a free country!!
Much Love,
This is one of the parts that really jumped out at me:
And he said to me, "Son of man, eat what is before you, eat this scroll; then go and speak to the house of Israel." So I opened my mouth, and he gave me the scroll to eat. Then he said to me, "Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it." So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth. He then said to me: "Son of man, go now to the house of Israel and speak my words to them. Ezekiel 3:1-4 (NIV)
This really confirmed to me that in order to recharge and be prepared for what God has called me to do, I have to eat His Word. Ezekiel was headed to speak to the people of Israel, and what he was going to say had to come from God, because the people were "hardened and obstinate" (vs 7) If I try to go and reach people within my own strength, I WILL FAIL!! I have to eat, digest, and benefit from the sweet Truth of God's Word. It's kinda like what happens when we eat foods that are good for us... we eat that food, digest it, and then benefit from the nutrients it provides us. I really want to take this week and focus on God's Word and benefit from the life change it will bring. Check out Ezekiel sometime and let me know how it has spoken to you.
I hope you have a great 4th of July weekend, and remember to take some time to thank God for allowing us to live in a free country!!
Much Love,
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