I'm starting my workout regiment tonight at the YMCA in Easley, so we'll just see how it goes!! I know most people wait until after the new year to attempt such madness, but I'm trying to get a little head start on everyone else. I have fallen victim many times to the new year's resolution trap, so hopefully this will throw my body for a loop and somehow trick it into submission. My first goal is to lose 15 lbs by January 18th! I know it's not gonna be easy, but I am committing myself to this goal, so once again we'll see how it goes. Notice I said my "first goal", because there are many. After that, my second goal is another 15 lbs by say March, which should put me pretty close to my target weight, which is about 185. I know, I'm a fatty but I'm workin' on it!!! Don't you judge me!!! But anyway, I will spare you the agony of the before picture, so no worries there. I guess that's it for now!! Oh, by the way, I just realized the whole time I was writing, I was munching on a gingerbread cookie someone brought me!!! This is gonna be TOUGH!!!
Keepin' it Real,
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