Well, I haven't updated in a while so I thought I would just put a little update on the haps going on right now. The wife and I still have the house on the market, well, for 3 more days and then the contract is up. That's ok, because we can see God working out some pretty cool things for us in the near future, which I will talk more about as they happen, but I can promise you they are exciting to say the least!! We are currently in a series called "Are You Player" at AMP'd which is all about being a player on God's team and getting off the bench and contributing to the Kingdom. Tomorrow night we are looking at being a servant and what that means, and how we can all better serve while we are here. I will be using 1 Peter 4:8-11 as a spring board into the message. After the message, I have a real hands on opportunity for every student that is there to serve, so that should be really cool. Watch for the AMP'd rewind this week to see how things went. In other news, it's basketball season, which I LOVE!! We are getting a team from the church in an Over 30 league in Greenville, so I am excited\scared about playing because I love playing but hate being out of shape. I am also "coaching" a 18 and under church team this year, so that should be interesting. I think between my playing\coaching this year I should have plenty of material to blog about!!! Well, I have an all staff meeting in about 10 minutes so I need to wrap it up I guess. More posts coming this week!!!
Keepin' it Real,
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