Well, i was able to workout 2 days this week at the Y, but i am playing in a church league basketball game tonight, so that should count as some cardio i suppose. I have my fitness evaluation on Thursday, which i'm pretty pumped about. A trainer will hook me up with a workout made specifically for me, which i'm looking forward to. I have tried to control what i eat or at least portion size. I will jump back into the gym full-force on Monday, so i will update again early next week about my progress.
Keepin' it Real,
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
You're Invited!
So after much thought and serious contemplation( not constipation!!) I have decided to use my blog to update the progress on my pursuit of a healthier life. I will be giving weekly updates on how my workouts are going as well as my eating habits and weight loss. Hopefully, it will only be updates on loss, not gains!! I have signed up at the "Y" for the wellness works program which will tell me my percentage of body fat, weight, etc...and based on those figures a trainer will custom fit a workout regiment for me. I started last night with about 10 minutes on the elliptical machine (aka butt-kicker), then moved on to the treadmill for 25 minutes and finally ended the torture on the bicycle for 15 minutes. It was brutal!!! I'm really not terribly sore at this point, but they always say it's worse on day 2, so tomorrow should be just dandy. I plan on going back tonight and doing the routine again. I hope to go the the Y 3-4 days per week, plus I am playing church league basketball on Friday's, so if I can watch what I eat, my goals should be realistic and obtainable. Either way, my friends in the blogging world you are invited to embark on this journey along side me step by step! No pressure right!?
Keepin' it Real,
Keepin' it Real,
Monday, November 26, 2007
We'll see how it goes...

I'm starting my workout regiment tonight at the YMCA in Easley, so we'll just see how it goes!! I know most people wait until after the new year to attempt such madness, but I'm trying to get a little head start on everyone else. I have fallen victim many times to the new year's resolution trap, so hopefully this will throw my body for a loop and somehow trick it into submission. My first goal is to lose 15 lbs by January 18th! I know it's not gonna be easy, but I am committing myself to this goal, so once again we'll see how it goes. Notice I said my "first goal", because there are many. After that, my second goal is another 15 lbs by say March, which should put me pretty close to my target weight, which is about 185. I know, I'm a fatty but I'm workin' on it!!! Don't you judge me!!! But anyway, I will spare you the agony of the before picture, so no worries there. I guess that's it for now!! Oh, by the way, I just realized the whole time I was writing, I was munching on a gingerbread cookie someone brought me!!! This is gonna be TOUGH!!!
Keepin' it Real,
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Turkey Day!!
Just wanted to take a second and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope it is a great time with family and friends, and I encourage you to take a few minutes to reflect and thank Jesus Christ for all He has done and CONTINUES to do for all of us. It will probably be a few days before I post again, unless I have an incredible encounter with a deep fried turkey or something!!
Keepin' it Real,
Thursday, November 15, 2007
AMP'd Rewind

Last night was a blast!! There was tons of energy and the students seem to be responding to our new series "Are You A Player?" We talked about how God has called us to serve and put others before ourselves. Here are my points:
The key to serving is LOVE.-Galatians 5:13-14
1. Serving is a choice.-Philippians 2:3-4
2. Serving is contagious.-Acts 2:44-45
3. Serving brings significance.-Ephesians 2:10
The band did a great job and introduced a couple of new songs. Here is their set list:
Take it all-United
All because of Jesus-Fee
Burn for you-Fee
We are not meeting next week , since Thanksgiving is Thursday. You might be wondering why we don't meet and the answer is obvious...I have to begin training and getting my stomach ready for all the food I'm going to consume on Thanksgiving!! =)
Keepin' it Real,
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Haps

Well, I haven't updated in a while so I thought I would just put a little update on the haps going on right now. The wife and I still have the house on the market, well, for 3 more days and then the contract is up. That's ok, because we can see God working out some pretty cool things for us in the near future, which I will talk more about as they happen, but I can promise you they are exciting to say the least!! We are currently in a series called "Are You Player" at AMP'd which is all about being a player on God's team and getting off the bench and contributing to the Kingdom. Tomorrow night we are looking at being a servant and what that means, and how we can all better serve while we are here. I will be using 1 Peter 4:8-11 as a spring board into the message. After the message, I have a real hands on opportunity for every student that is there to serve, so that should be really cool. Watch for the AMP'd rewind this week to see how things went. In other news, it's basketball season, which I LOVE!! We are getting a team from the church in an Over 30 league in Greenville, so I am excited\scared about playing because I love playing but hate being out of shape. I am also "coaching" a 18 and under church team this year, so that should be interesting. I think between my playing\coaching this year I should have plenty of material to blog about!!! Well, I have an all staff meeting in about 10 minutes so I need to wrap it up I guess. More posts coming this week!!!
Keepin' it Real,
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
A Pretty Cool Spot

If you are from the Powdersville area, then you have probably seen the Twisted Bean ice cream and coffee shop that has just opened up next to Little Caesars. We have several students in our ministry that work there so they told me to stop and check it out, so I did, Monday and Tuesday!! It is a really cool place, set up much like a StarBucks with comfy chairs, couches, and high tables. On Monday I had some of the ice cream which was very good. You choose from chocolate or vanilla ice cream or yogurt and then they mix in as many toppings as you want. I went with peanut butter-DELICIOUS!!! Yesterday, I took the interns over and we had a brainstorming meeting for upcoming series and Merge, our winter trip. I think I'm going to start going there to get out of the office from time to time and study my messages, read and brainstorm. Yesterday I went with the hot chocolate, Taylor had a mexican spiced hot chocolate and Steve-O went with the 100% fruit smoothie made with blueberries, they were both impressed with their selections. I would definitely recommend stopping by and giving it a try. Maybe I'll see ya there!!!
Keepin' it Real,
Monday, November 5, 2007
Is really the only way to describe this weekend. We started the weekend out on Friday night with Project 109 (our pimped out tailgating bus) at the Wren/Easley game, and i have to say it was probably one of the most successful outings we have had with the bus. We had a lot of students come by and hang out with us and eat free hamburgers and hot dogs, and the hot chocolate was a huge hit because it was COLD!!!! Wren laid the smack down and beat the Green Wave 51-7 which was somewhat surprising since the first match-up ended with Wren winning 21-20. On Saturday, the wife and i hung out for a while and she went to the Miss Greenville pageant to see one of our volunteers compete and win, i might add! Congrats Laura!! While that was going on, i went to the Bi-lo center and saw Ruth, Relient K, and Switchfoot in concert, it was AMAZING!!! Thanks Wil!! Then on Sunday i spoke all 3 services at Marathon and had a blast, I enjoy getting to speak in the "Big Church" from time to time because i believe it stretches me as a speaker. I found out this morning that we had 3 salvations!! Man, God is AWESOME!! After church, we ate lunch with Crystal's aunt, uncle and 2 cousins at Cracker Barrel. 3 words... Home style Chicken. After the stuffing of my face, I went over to Sammy's and raced go-karts (see his post for more info on that at www.sammyclary.com). It is always an adventure when i jump into a kart!!!
Well, that's about it for now, i will try to post some more this week.
Keepin' it Real,
Well, that's about it for now, i will try to post some more this week.
Keepin' it Real,
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