I am now a Mac user!!! And of course the first thing I do is use the built in camera to take a goofy picture!! I was lucky to figure out how to do that, for real!! I have wanted a lap top for awhile and after many days of serious thought and advice getting, I decided to go with the MacBook Pro. I will use this as my everyday computer and give my desktop to my administrative assistant. It is gonna take some time to learn how to navigate around, but all Mac users that I have talked to, (about 7) have told me it will be much better than a PC. I can't wait to get everything set up and all my files moved over and settled. The really cool thing is that I have the parallel desktop which allows me to switch back and forth from Mac OS to Windows if I start having withdraws. Should be fun.
I'm excited about this weekend, Crystal and I are leaving to go to Knoxville for a couple of days to enjoy the Boomsday festival. I have no idea what it is, but she has been before and wants to go back. I will give a full report when we return. Things are still moving at a great pace on "The Garage", they are only a few days away from being all done with the painting, which means the carpet, sound, light and video, floor stain, TV's and gaming stations can start going in!! Speaking of TV's, we were notified that other day that the company we are using is out of 37" inch flat panels so we are going to have to upgrade to 42" FOR NO EXTRA COST!!!! Thank you Jesus!!! what an awesome blessing!!!!
Well, that's about enough for a Saturday, I'm off to the gym and then to my nieces' birthday party.