We are only a couple of days away from our winter trip, Merge. We will be taking about 75 students up to Pigeon Forge, Tn for the weekend. I am excited about this trip for many reasons, one being the possibility of a little snow. Not a blizzard, but just enough to make things pretty. We will be looking at the book of James, and the the MERGING of faith and works (get it? Merge, merging etc) Taylor, one of my student ministry interns wrote the curriculum and I was very impressed! He did an awesome job. It is really incredible to see God work in the lives of our students on our trips. I think it helps students to get away from their everyday environments and the day to day struggles they face and focus on Christ. We are expecting God to do HUGE things this weekend. We get to spend time with students and share God's Word with them, and on top of that, we get to do all that in some pretty sweet cabins. You can check them out here:(www.sherwoodforestresort.com)
On a more immediate note, I am getting pumped about AMP'd tonight. We are starting our new series on Worship called "Beyond the Music" I think this is a must needed series for our students to explain to them what worship is and what it is isn't. Once we finish that up this month, I will be hitting the ever popular subject of SEX!!! If you have any ideas on a series name, please let me know, I am open to ideas!! Well, I guess that's about it for now. Before I go, though, I would like to leave a quote for you to think about. I know it hit me like a ton of bricks and is absolutely on target. Ponder this:
"The world is not looking for a new definition of Christianity, it's looking for a new DEMONSTRATION of Christianity."-Ravenhill
Keepin' it Real,
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