So, the past few days have been incredible!! Crystal and I had the priviledge of hanging with coolest kid I know. His name is Isaac Clary and he is an unbelievable human being. Isaac and his parents have been up in Cincinnati since last Nov. because of some health problems Isaac has. (For more on that check out www.caringbridge.org/sc/isaacsjournal) If I tried to explain it, I would really mess it up, but his website explains it all and plus it's just a cool site. What made the last few days incredible you ask?, well let me proceed. Isaac has had to spend a lot of time in the childrens hospital in Cincy, and while in there he would always want to make cards and stuff for the other children in the hospital. Well, he came up with a big idea, a REALLY BIG idea!! He wanted to give gifts to the children on his hall, which in the end turned into all the kids on his hall, and every hall in the Cincy children's hospital, plus kids in the Shriners hospital, PLUS an entire 1/2 truckload went to the Ronald McDonald House next to the hospital!!! We estimated that he gave away between 1500-2000 gifts!!!! Which probably equals $15,000-$20,000 worth of stuff!!!
It was an amazing thing to watch an 8, soon to be 9 year old boy be so unselfish and selfless!! The children and the families of those children were so blown away at this tremendous act of giving. Isaac had simply asked people to send in gifts so that these children would be able to have a few Christmas presents while they were in the hospital. But it turned out to be so much more than just toys and games and coloring books and crayons. Isaac has impacted so many people because of his sensitivity and concern for others. You see, Isaac has to wear a mask that covers his nose and mouth because of germs. As I spent time with him, I watched and listened to him and NEVER, not even 1 time did he complain or whine about the mask. I tried to put myself in his shoes and I know that if I were his age, that would really bother and frustrate me, but not Isaac!!! I wish everyone could have had the opportunity to spend the amount of time we had with him. It would surely change your life, because I know it changed mine!!
I have done a pretty stinky job writing about Isaac and his project, so I apologize, but I want to encourage you to try to learn something from this young MAN, because what I saw and experienced was truly the Face of God. We should never take life or the opportunities to help others for granted. Please check out Isaac's dad's blog because he has pictures and tons more details about Isaac and the project, plus he has pictures. The link to his page is on the upper right hand side of my page.
Please don't forget that you and I have been given the greatest gift of all, a relationship with Jesus Christ, and all we have to do is accept it!!!!
Running the Race,
1 comment:
my wife mispelt your name. i didnt tell her though because i thought it funny that she mispelt your name. you like the fact that i mispelt the word mispelled. by the way, nice braclet. did you make it yourself?
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