Monday, December 25, 2006

The Beautiful World Of QVC

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and Santa brought you everything you desired!! I know I had a great day and got many things I had asked for, and even received a few "surprises" if you will. Let me explain... You see, my mom enjoys, wait a minute...LOVES shopping on QVC. If you don't know what QVC is, it stands for, well, I really don't know what it stands for, but I do know that you can buy ALL kinds of things, and not necessarily very high quality things. For various reasons, my mom really loves buying me things from QVC, even though I have tried to make it clear that I don't need anything from there, she still insists on buying stuff. For instance, a couple of years ago she bought this hose pipe that was designed to roll up after you used it, so on the surface it looked really nice, but after taking a couple of days just trying to get it to actually work, I finally stuffed it back in the box and threw it in my closet!! Well, this year was no different and for you viewing pleasure, I have added a picture of her most recent purchases from QVC. So, as you can see I have a hat with a flashlight in it and a fishing vest with several pockets for various fishing tackle!! The incredible thing about the vest is that it is actually endorsed by Chuck Woolery!! That's right, the dude from the Love Connection!!, no kidding!!! So once again, I will give the items their due time, and try them out, but I have a feeling that they may end up in the back of the closet with the amazing hose pipe!!

I Love You Mom!!!


1 comment:

Todd Sudduth said...

hey Holda, nice hat and fishing vest, i think ur mom was trying to motivate u 4 the shrink down with that 5 sizes 2 small vest!! you r an awesome point guard!!