Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas and Such

Well, i've been thinking a lot lately (no, it's not that unusual!) Mostly about the holidays and Christmas. I can't help but remember what Christmas was like when i was growing up. Lots of presents, i mean LOTS (yes, i was spoiled, don't hate..congratulate!!) family get-togethers, tons of food and the Charlie Brown Christmas cartoons. I can remember the huge black trash bags full of wrapping paper and shirt boxes and how we used to start a huge fire in the field and burn all that stuff. It was probably one of my favorite things on Christmas!!! Can you say pyromaniac? But anyway, it seems that the older i get, the more the whole getting gifts thing becomes so much less important. I still enjoy the giving part, as much as the starving wallet will allow me to give anyway!! I guess i'm just getting older and things change. I'm beginning to realize that the older i get the most important thing about Christmas is finally becoming the most important thing to me. That "thing" is the birth of Jesus. All the other stuff, as fun and exciting as it was when i was a child is...well, gone! I can't go back and relive those moments, but i can choose to focus on the greatest gift i have ever been given-SALVATION!!! It is a gift that never has to be "upgraded", it never breaks, or becomes inferior. My challenge to you is to start now making the most important thing about Christmas the most important thing to you.

Merry Christmas!!



Sammy Clary said...

way to go and get all spiritual and stuff. since you don't like presents, you can send me the QVC George Foreman grill. LOL

Crystal said...

Sorry, my oh-so-lucky nephew is the proud owner of the QVC Geroge Forman grill. He even got the one with the translucent blue lid (bun warmer).