Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Is It In You?

No, I'm not talking about Gatorade! I'm talking about something I saw at the Clemson/FSU game on Monday night. It was an incredible sight to say the least, and unfortunately something you don't see all the time in most places. It is something that is at best for most people fleeting, and inconsistent. Ok, you're probably wondering what "it" is right?, or maybe not! :) Anyway, I'm talking about passion. You see, Monday night, Sammy and I sat behind the Clemson Band and we were able to watch the directors as they worked their magic. There was one dude that got up on that stand and BROUGHT IT!!! If he would have been on the field, Clemson would have won by 50 points, he was fired up. The faces he would make will directing and the way he moved and waved his arms was incredible, he was PASSIONATE!!! I pointed this out to Sammy and he was like "that dude is passionate, and I like that"(not the dude, but his passion). I thought to myself, I like passionate people as well. But I think we have to be careful about what we are passionate about, obviously. I have noticed that as humans we can misplace our passion and use it for things that don't really even matter. Death Valley was packed on Monday night and there were tons of passionate people in there, but at the same time it's kinda sad. So many people pour their passion into a football team. Don't hear what I'm not saying! I'm not saying it's bad to cheer for your favorite team, or even paint their logo on your chest. I'm simply saying sometimes our passion may be wasted or misguided. Think about this, what if husbands were that passionate about putting their wives first, or spending more time with the kids? What if we were more passionate about helping the needy? What if, as Christians we were that passionate about our walk with Christ, or sharing our faith, or just being His hand and feet? I think everyone is passionate about something, so I have been challenged to put my passion into things that really matter and I hope you have too.

Keepin' it Real,

1 comment:

Staff said...

Two Posts in one week. Dude that is passionate blogging.