MAN!!! Last night was awesome!! The energy was out the roof! (pardon the bad grammar) We started a new series last week called "Now What" and the kids have responded in an awesome way. Last night the message was "I screwed up...now what?" We talked about what happens after we have made a bad decision or wrong choice. We talked about how God has forgiven us, and how He has taken away our guilt and shame, and how we should forgive ourselves and move forward. It was a great night and I know lives were changed! I got to pray with one guy last night that accepted Christ!!! how cool is that, it wasn't even a "salvation" message!! God is so AWESOME!!! Here is the set list:
No One Like You-Crowder
Starting Over-Audio A
Everlasting God-Lincoln Brewster
God is doing something amazing within our student ministry and I can't stop thinking about what is coming next for us!! Our small groups are booming, which is a key focus for us because we don't want to have a big group on Wednesday's just to have a big group. We want to make DISCIPLES!!! and this is best accomplished for us through small groups. We are still having a bunch of NGU students helping out (about 20 last night) which is incredible. They are so willing to reach out and pour their lives into our students and it is a beautiful thing to see.
In other news, you should go out today and buy the new David Crowder Band CD, Remedy, it is off the charts AWESOME!!!! Well, that's about it for now, thanks for reading.
Keepin' It Real,