So me and Crystal stopped in Chattanooga TN and spent the night at the Hilton Garden Inn. We are on our way home from Memphis where we had a pre-project meeting about the mission trip we are bringing students to this summer. I think it's about a 9 hour drive from Memphis to home and I'm not a long distance driver, so we stopped about half way and so here we are. Well, we got in off the road, brought our stuff to the room and headed out to the riverfront area here in Chattanooga(it's beautiful by the way). We walked around a little bit, took pictures then decided to grab dinner. I think it was about 7:00 when we went to TGI Fridays. Stay with me, there is a point. After dinner we headed back to the room. Well, i got in there and i had to um...well, go to the potty if you will. I took care of business and much to my dismay, i flushed the toilet and what happened next is going to haunt me for a long time. The toilet was clogged!!! Now, this is a Hilton, which means they don't leave plungers sitting next to the toilet. I had to make the embrassing phone call to the front desk and ask for a plunger. So, while i was waiting on delivery, i devised a plan to go down to the hot tub and let Crystal deal with the plunger incident, which quickly got vetoed immediately by her. So, finally after about 10 minutes the dreaded knock on the door was heard. It was hotel maintainance. It was something i have never seen before, the plunger was wrapped in a plastic Hilton bag. I accepted the tool of shame and then the guy said "I can wait for you to finish if you want me to" This somewhat took me off guard, and i hesitated briefly to figure out what to say. Finally i agreed and shut the door and took care of the problem at hand. If it were up to me, he could have just dropped it outside the door and left, that way i would not have had to even show my face!! Well, about 5 minutes later(don't you judge me, it was a toughy!!) i opened the door and handed him the weapon. The maintainance man never looked me in the face, i felt like i had done the most shameful thing you could do at a Hilton, stop up the toilet!! All is well now and we are about to checkout and head on home. I would like to thank the Hilton family for making the whole "i need a plunger in room 405" the most shameful thing possible!! :) I think i may invent a collapseable, mini plunger to fit in your suitcase....well, maybe not, that's pretty nasty!!!
Keepin it real (too real in this post),