We got back this past Saturday from Memphis on our mission trip, and it was life-changing to say the least!! Our students experienced some things they have never encountered before and they are different now (in a good way!!) We averaged around 50 kids, any where from 4-14 years old in our Bible Club. We would spend about 3 hours a day with the kids teaching them Bible stories, doing crafts, playing games and teaching them songs. We were working in a very poverty stricken area of Memphis, so it was not unusual to see the kids wearing the same thing all week. The city would actually bring lunch in for the kids on a big truck. It was eye-opening to know that for some of those kids that may be there only meal that day. And we complain about not having a certain restaurant within 10 miles of our house! What a shame!! Our students really poured themselves out this past week and became the hands and feet of Jesus, I am so proud of them!! There are so many stories to tell, but i really don't have time to tell them all and i'm not a fast typer(if that is a word?) I have included a few pictures for everyone to enjoy.
****In other news, my good buddy Sammy Clary just announced his plans to start a church! I am very excited for him and I know God is going to use him to reach the community. Here is the link if you want more info: http://stone-bridgechurch.blogspot.com/
Keepin' it real,