I don't know if you can tell what's going on in the picture, so let me explain. I was at an intersection yesterday and there were 4 men standing at the intersection holding signs. The signs read "Homosexuality is an abomination to God", "One day every knee shall bow and tongue confess", and other statements similar to these. Now let me explain something about these signs. I agree with the statements on the signs, however, what I'm really wondering about is if this is effective in reaching people. In reading the Word, I have never seen Jesus use this "technique" in bringing people to Himself. Jesus focused on building RELATIONSHIPS with people, not standing on the side of the road screaming or pointing out sin to others. It almost made me feel like these guys were doing this to earn some type of points with God for their "extra effort" standing in the heat wearing a tie holding "holy signs". I wish people would realize that there are much more effective ways to reach people for Christ. Sorry for the rant, but I just had to get it off my chest.